Cristian Curaba

I am a Data Science student with a strong mathematical background, seeking a dynamic environment to further refine my skill set. My goal is to land a challenging role that allows me to make a positive impact for the society. Collaboration and kindness are values I hold dear, facilitating me to be an enthusiastic and enjoyable team player. I thrive in group settings, relishing the diverse perspectives and ideas while taking the best from them.


About Me

Recently, I'm delving into the AI safety alignment problem and I regularly spend time into creative theoretical thinking while get in touch with the state of art on this field.

Outside of my academic pursuits, I'm an avid consumer of didattic videos: it's my way to get into most of the fields of the human knowledge and build a personal comphensive understanding of the world.

When I'm not delving into coding and papers, you'll likely find me having deep good talks with friends. Sports also play a significant role in my life: they are a nice way to spend thoughless time with friends while preserving my physical health.

Board and card games are a passion of mine—they're a fantastic blend of entertainment and mental stimulation, providing an opportunity to strategize and having good time.

Reading is finding is way to become an integral part of my routine. Recently, I've been exploring Nassim Nicholas Taleb's "Antifragile," which challenges conventional thinking in a captivating manner, and Benjamin Todd's "80000 Hours," which has been instrumental in shaping my career aspirations toward meaningful impact.

Movies are another avenue where I find inspiration and entertainment. They serve as a window into different cultures and ideas, sparking my imagination and creativity.


Master in Data Science and Scientific Computing
link to website

2022 - 2024

Expected Grade: 110/110

The Master in DSSC aims to prepare professionals ready to face the challenges of the modern digital society: experts in the analysis and management of data, in particular Big Data, and in computational modeling with application in engineering and scientific fields.

Link to table of contents: Download File

The School for Advanced Studies "Di Toppo Wassermann"
link to website

2019 - 2024

Expected Grade: 110/110 Cum Laude

The School for Advanced Studies of the University of Udine is a higher learning institution based on merit. After a very selective admission (including two written and an oral examination), it provides a five-year scholarship covering taxes, board and lodging. During this period, students have to attend extra courses and exams, and in the end, we gain a second-level Master's degree diploma.

Link to table of contents: Download File


Well structured transition systems

Distributed interval synchronization on directed graphs

Misure di Entanglement

Il corpo dei quaterioni reali

Bachelor in Mathematics
link to website

2019 - 2022

Grade: 110/110
Mathematics allowed me to develop a sharp and effective method, enhancing my analytical and critical skills which I successfully integreted in my day-to-day thinking. It's intellectually challenging and I love it. For me is the fundamental tool for the problem solving ability and it's a great way to train your mind to think in a structured way, guiding my creativity.

Link to table of contents: Download File

Teoria descrittiva della complessità: la logica FP+C cattura Ptime nella classe dei grafi ad intervallo

Extra Activities

Here are some of the recent extra curricular activities I pursued:

  • Apart Fellowiship (2024-now)

    I'm currently partecipating in the Apart Fellowship, a 6-months program for AI safety research.

    Website .

  • ML4Good French (2024)

    10days bootcamp on Machine Learning for AGI safety - runned by EffiSciences.


    Download Certificate.

  • Testing Language Models for Autonomous Capabilities - Apart Hackathon

    Winner as best Quality Assurance Tester. Evaluated Task: Tamarin Formalizer.
  • AI Safety North course (2023)

    Fundamentals of Artificial General Intelligence (about 40 hours). Each week, after reading the selected materials (Download Book), I shared my insights in a weekly-planned discussion group. Download Certificate.
  • International Collegiate Programming Contest (SWERC - 2023/2024)

    Partecipation in the international programming competition (C++) in the team of The School for Advanced Studies "Di Toppo Wassermann".

    Classified 55/103. Link to Website.

    Download Certificate.

  • Sisifo association (2020-present)

    Actively partecipating in a non-profit association (mainly) for divulgation (Website link).

GitHub Projects

On Artificial General Intelligence

A collection of personal thoughts and raw articles on AGI safety. It's a work in progress, I'm currentely working on a new personal idea: "AGI with freedom contrains"

Linearization of CNN layer

In this work I've built a custom loss function to penalize non-linearities through the convolutional layers (Pytorch package). I got a pretty interesting outcome: the ReLU activation function arises naturally in a parametrized family of functions.

Solving Gymnasium toy games with Reinforcement Learning methods

I've coded from scratch (Python) fundamental methods (Q-learning, Montecarlo, SARSA and Expected SARSA) and tested them to solve easy games provided by OpenAI (Gymnasium). I've analyzed outcomes and commented them.

Real Estate Sales Prices Estimation

This is a project group where statistical methods are applied to estimate and understand estate prices.
